Using LR Camera Match Profiles
March 13, 2023

An Introduction to using GRIIIx Camera Match Profiles in Lightroom

When editing RAW images from the Ricoh GRIII/IIIx cameras, you have access to 7 camera match profiles. These include Positive Film, Negative Film, Monotone, Hard Monotone, Soft Monotone, and Standard. Selecting these profiles will allow LR to interpret the RAW files in the same way that the image controls would on the Ricoh GR cameras. These can be a great starting point for editing photos.
A benefit to editing photos in Lightroom as opposed to in camera, is you have the ability to correct for distortion. You can also create masks and do more elaborate editing techniques.
Unfortunately the community favorite, Hi Contrast Black and White, is not available as a profile in Lightroom.